We are a uniform school and believe that uniform looks smart, wears well and contributes to a feeling of belonging.
Click here to view our school policy on uniform.
Winter Uniform
- Red sweatshirt with school logo
- Red shirt
- Navy school trousers
- Socks: grey or black
- Smart black school shoes
- Red sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo
- Red polo shirt
- Navy skirt, pinafore or navy tailored trousers
- Smart black school shoes
- Tights: red or navy
- Socks: white or navy
Summer Uniform
- Red polo shirt
- Navy school trousers or navy shorts
- Socks: grey or black
- Smart black school shoes or sandals
- Red & white check gingham dresses
- Red polo shirt
- Navy skirt, navy tailored trousers or tailored shorts
- Socks: white or navy
- Smart black school shoes or sandals
The following school uniform, with school logo, is available to purchase from the school office or can be ordered in advance. Orders may be placed using the order form on the right of this page.
Sweatshirts, cardigans, fleece jackets and PE kit items can also be purcharsed from Mary Frances Uniform, Workwear & Clothing, Derby Road, Longridge, Preston, PR3 3JT. Telephone Number: 01772 784272. Please check with the shop direct regarding prices and availability.
- Sweatshirts: £11.50 (for size guide click here)
- Cardigans £12.50
- Fleece jacket (optional item) £16.00
- Book Bags (Infants) £6.50
- Book Bags (Juniors) £7.50
P.E. Kits
PE kit is part of our school uniform and has the same status as our everyday uniform.
Our PE kit comprises of
- Plain red T shirt
- Plain navy blue shorts (shadow striped or plain cotton shorts – cycling shorts/leggings are not permitted)
- Plain navy jogging bottoms (no logos/stripes)
- Trainers
The children can wear a school fleece and/or their school sweatshirt/cardigan with their PE Kit.
It is important that all items of clothing are named, including shoes, wellingtons and trainers.
PE kit should be brought to school in a pumpbag, easy to store on your child's peg. Bags are still available to purchase through school.