Determined Admissions Policy
The governing body of Ribchester St. Wilfrid’s C of E Primary School are consulting over reducing our PAN (Pupil Admission Number) from 16 to 15.
The governors have taken the decision to ask for the PAN to be reduced to 15, to ensure that a class size of 30 cannot be exceeded. Please click here to view the proposed admission policy for 2024.
Should you have any comment on the consultation please put in writing to the Chair of Governors, Ribchester St Wilfrid's CE Primary School, Church Street, Ribchester, Preston, PR3 3XP.
Parish Boundary Map
Lancashire's Online Application Link for New Reception Class
In Year Admissions
If you are interested in obtaining a place at Ribchester St Wilfrid's C of E Primary School, please contact the school to see if there is a space in the required year group. Places are allocated in line with our admissions criteria. You can also arrange a time to have a tour of the school.
Appeals to Ribchester St Wilfrid's C of E Primary School
If there is no place available, you may lodge an appeal. The written appeal form is available below and this needs to be completed along with the in year application form and returned to school. Lancashire aim to hear the appeal case within six weeks of the submission and parents will be notified within five school days of the outcome. Further information on appeals can also be found on the LCC website