
My great, great grandad was in WW1.  He was a private called W. A. Foden. He was born in Colne and worked for the ambulance service with his friend Private Ellis. Because they worked for the ambulance service, they saw a German soldier injured and went to help. Just at that moment, some German officers took them as prisoners at Doeberitz camp.

He said the food was awful stuff. Everyone in the prison of war camp had to work in the field and the mud. They found it horrible and luckily they returned home safely.

We will remember them

By Florrie

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Armistice Blog 2

10:29, 07 Nov 2018 by Angela Bailey

Armistice 2018 1

This term at Ribchester St Wilfrid’s have been doing about World War 1. On the 11th of November at the Guild Hall we are doing a performance as an act of remembrance. Also at school we have been doing poems about shell shock and disfigurement. Here is a snippet of one-

10 Seconds of the Somme

Trudging through discoloured grass 10,

Seeing young generations being demolished 9,

The gas disappearing in the air 8,

Unlikable eyes put to rest 7,

Unsaveable souls 6,

Shells only metres away 5,

The gun shot 4,

Unforgettable scars build up in my heart 3,

This is were it begins 2,

People dropping like flies 1,

My time is up 0,                      

By Ellie


PS. If time come to the armistices performance, it will be good!


Blog by Zach                                            

10:25, 07 Nov 2018 by Angela Bailey

In Wyre, we have been learning about WW1 in preparation for our performance of ‘Armistice: A War Remembered.” We have researched a bit about life in the trenches. We also found about a serious condition known then as shell shock.    Some of us read our disfigurement/ Shell Shock poems and dressed up as real soldiers whilst walking around Ribchester.

Our performance is on 11th of November 2018 and we will perform at the Guild hall in Preston. Other schools are helping us do the performance please come and watch because it will be a night to remember.

By Tom

10:24, 07 Nov 2018 by Angela Bailey


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