World book week is a time were you celebrate all the books that have been made. In our school we are having a special meal for lunch on Thursday. Our dinner lady Mrs Sharples has made them sound all horrible but they are lovely and delicious. Here is what the options are Pork or Quorn sausages in a Wonkatania boat with onion gravy or Fantastic Mr Fox fish finger bun with tomato sauce served with Charlie’s chips and Slugworth’s sweetcorn and for pudding polyjuice jelly pots and ice cream. We are also going to dress up but it has to be a character in a book you can dress up as any one you want to be.
You will also get book vouchers to take £1off the book that you want.
Have a good world book day!
Madison (Ribble Class)
12:09, 01 Mar 2018
by Hilary Dicken