Year 6 Badges

It comes round every year when the Year 6 get their jobs for the year.

We all had to apply for the job we wanted and the best application form got that job. The jobs were: office assistant; house captain; hall assistant; P.E assistant and ICT assistant. There are two places for office assistant. The office assistants help Miss Bailey and put all the letters in the registers. There are four places for the house captain. The house captains count up all the house points every Friday. They also lead their house when we are playing house games. There are two places for the hall assistant. The hall assistants set up the hall for assembly by putting the benches out and the chairs for the teachers. There are two places for the P.E assistant. The P.E assistants help Mr Smith set up P.E.There is one place for the ICT assistant. The ICT assistant makes sure all of the technology is working and they are all charged ready for use.

All the Year 6 are very proud of the job they have got.

By Hannah

10:01, 16 Oct 2017 by Hilary Dicken